Engage your audience with mesmerizing stock video footage
Get studio-quality content from our curated clips of stock footage
Each month our expert video researchers explore the latest visual themes and video trends, and bring you freshly curated content to help kickstart your creativity.
Quality stock video clips we ❤️
Whether you're looking for breathtaking cinemagraphs, aerial clips, time-lapse videos, or looping backgrounds with room for copy, our royalty-free video collections deliver.
Signature collection. Best quality.
Browse a curated selection of our exclusive, high production value videos, and elevate your work.
Essentials collection. Everyday favorites.
Get inspired by quality film clips and b-roll from our Essentials collection that are perfect for your everyday projects.
Browse our top stock footage categories
Check out our most popular categories. Or use the search bar at the top of the page to find stock footage for an even bigger range of topics.
Inspiring artists, only from iStock
Set your stories in motion with exclusive videos from iStock's talented Signature artists. You won't find their memorable content anywhere else. Check out our Signature Artist of the Month to see what sets them apart.
Inclusive storytelling
Explore our diversity and inclusion sets to discover imagery that keeps it real, by celebrating the cultural and lifestyle differences that make each of us unique.
Understanding royalty-free
With millions of 4K, HD and SD stock videos to choose from, iStock makes it easy to find the perfect film clips for your projects. And since all footage on iStock is royalty-free, you can use our videos in virtually any project, as often as you want, without paying for each extra use. (Within the terms of our license.)
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Free video clip of the month
Each month, our experts select a video clip from our exclusive Signature collection and make it free to download. Free illustrations are also available monthly, and free photos offered weekly.
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iStock blog
Keep up with design trends and best practices, get tips on how to create successful digital campaigns, and learn how to optimize your video content by visiting the iStock blog.
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