Make a statement with royalty-free illustrations and vectors

Stock illustrations and vectors can often convey your ideas better than a photo. And with so many fresh and affordable options from iStock, you’re sure to find the right visuals to keep your audience engaged.

Tell your stories with our curated favourites

Our expert image researchers bring you fresh inspiration each month, with curated sets selected from the very best authentic stock illustrations in our library.

Creative visuals we ❤️

Never underestimate the power of a bold black line, trendy flat design, or hand-drawn illustration. Find all this—and more—from the millions of images in our collections.

  • Colorful night street with signages#1175651598

    Signature collection.

    Browse a curated selection of exclusive illustrations, plus editable vectors from our Signature collection. You can only get these from us.

  • Girl or young woman relaxing and reading book at home#1255353333

    Essentials collection.

    Hand-picked from our Essentials collection, these affordable everyday illustrations let you stretch your creativity—and your budget.

Popular categories

Check out our most popular categories. Or use the search bar at the top of the page to find images for even more topics.

Signature Artist of the Month
  • Understanding royalty-free

    Whether you're searching for backgrounds, icons, infographic designs, brochure visuals, birthday and greeting card templates, or unique textures and patterns, we've got you covered. And since all illustrations, vectors and graphics on iStock are royalty-free, you can use them in virtually any project (within the terms of our license), without paying for each additional use.

    Learn about royalty free
  • Free illustration of the month

    Each month, our experts select an illustration from our exclusive Signature collection and make it free to download. Free video clips are also available monthly, and free photos offered weekly.

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  • iStock blog

    Keep up with design trends and best practices, get tips on how to create successful digital campaigns, and learn how templates, backgrounds and icons can help speed up your creation process by visiting the iStock blog.

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